Memorial Day Weekend — May 26, 27, 28
Please submit by April 30th, 2023
ArtSpring is preparing for the 2023 ArtSpring Festival, and we want to know
Please choose one of the options below:
I plan to host an activity or event at my business during the Festival.
HOST Events or Activities can be:
· a Hands-on Craft or Coloring Contest for Families & Kids,
· a Pop-Up Gallery or Display featuring local artwork,
· a Festival Shopping Event or SALE, or
· a Special Discount or Product Give-Away for visitors during the FESTIVAL or
· Something you create. . .
⬜ I plan to host an activity or event at my business during the Festival.
ArtSpring will promote your events and activities in the ArtSpring Festival GUIDE.
Please describe your activity/event as you would like it to appear in the Festival Guide:
TITLE __________________________________________________________________
DESCRIPTION _____________________________________________________________
⮚ Please indicate the day(s) and time(s) your activity or event will be available to the public:
* FRIDAY, May 26th Time: ______________________________________
* SATURDAY, May 27th Time: ______________________________________
* SUNDAY, May 28th Time: ______________________________________
I want to SPONSOR the Musicians performing during the festival.
⬜ I want to SPONSOR the wandering Festival Musicians with a donation.
In exchange for your MUSIC Sponsorship (of at least $50), ArtSpring will print your Business' LOGO in the ArtSpring Festival GUIDE and on all Festival Music materials.
⮚ I agree to SPONSOR the Festival Musicians for the following amount: $_________
⮚ Please accept my MUSIC Sponsorship to ArtSpring via:
____ Cash or Check
____ Venmo (@ArtSpringLMS)
____ PayPal (@ArtSpringWV)
Please email your Business LOGO to before May 1st.
⬜ I want to SPONSOR the ArtSpring Festival In general with a donation.
In exchange for your ARTSPRING FESTIVAL Sponsorship (of at least $500), ArtSpring will print your Business' LOGO on the back cover of the Festival Guide and on all social media and marketing materials used to promote the 2024 ArtSpring Festival.
⮚ I agree to SPONSOR the Festival for the following amount: $_________
⮚ Please accept my FESTIVAL Sponsorship to ArtSpring via:
____ Cash or Check
____ Venmo (@ArtSpringLMS)
____ PayPal (@ArtSpringWV)
Please email your Business LOGO to before May 1st.
⬜ I want to SPONSOR the PINT TOUR during the Festival with a donation.
In exchange for your PINT Sponsorship (of at least $25), ArtSpring will print your Business' LOGO on the Metal Pint Cups sold during the ArtSpring Festival and on all PINT promotional materials.
⮚ I agree to SPONSOR the PINT Tour for the following amount: $_________
⮚ Please accept my SPONSORSHIP to ArtSpring via: ____ Cash or Check
____ Venmo (@ArtSpringLMS)
____ PayPal (@ArtSpringWV)
⮚ Please email your Business LOGO to before May 28th.
As a Pint Tour Sponsor you can offer a beverage discount to Festival goers who buy a Pint Cup. Your special offer or discount will be included in the ArtSpring Festival Guide.
⬜ I want to offer the following beverage discount or special offer:
As a Pint Tour Sponsor you can SELL Pint Cups at your business and keep 1/3 of the Pint price as a bonus!
⬜ I want to SELL Pint cups at my business.
⮚ I agree to receive ________ Pint Cups to sell during the ArtSpring Festival.
⮚ Pints will be delivered to your business by Friday, May 24th.
ArtSpring will sell PINT Cups for $15 at the ArtSpring Information Booth and Shop during the Festival.